What is Domain Privacy and Do I Really Need It?

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What is Domain Privacy and Do I Really Need It?

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Get Today Only “1 cent” Domain Privacy Normally $9.99

Get Today Only "1 cent" Domain Privacy Normally $9.99The domain privacy or who is protection is the same thing. Different companies call it different things but it means the same. The question you need to ask is, do you want to hide your personal information from the public or keep it public for all to see. What personal information is available to the public, you ask?

  1. Your name
  2. Your address
  3. Your fine number
  4. Your email
  5. Your business

With privacy, you hide this information and it is filled with details provided by the domain provider you are with. What are some of the benefits of this:

  1. It hides your personal details
  2. It stops unsolicited calls and unwanted domain services
  3. It protects your email from spammers
  4. It stops bogus renewals from hitting your inbox. Below is a classic example of a bogus domain renewal. You should never see one of these if you have domain privacy but you will notice that in this invoice charge you more than you need to for a domain service.

namesilo cheapest domain


The above image is called Domain Slamming. The only way to stop this is with Domain Privacy, and this is why I wanted to leave this to last. This is how they do it. They get your details, like name, address, email, and domain expiration dates from your domain information, (you cannot hide your domain renewal dates.) They then use a template like the one above, and send out the information, either to your address on file or to your email. We have seen both, email and letters sent to our address. While there are other things you can do with this to avoid it like taking out longer registration periods on your domain, it is just safer to add privacy and set up the auto-renewal. Or even better take out the privacy and the longer registration. Another option is to take advantage of our privacy offer.

Another point to consider is that if you ever receive an invoice from a company you have never heard of especially if you will company is ABC and you get a renewal notice from XYZ, this should let you know something wrong and it is time to reach out to company ABC and say

“hey look what’s going on here?”

The company usually will reach out to you and see what is going on and rectify it. That is why a Greenspage Web Design we make sure that your aware of every step.

If you need some assistance we are always here to help, especially if you have any questions. Also if your wondering who you should use for a domain name provider, check out Namesilo.

If you need any help please contact us, and for a short time only, we will include for 1 cent, any domain privacy for new customers. Normally $9.99, for more information contact us on 865-257-3049.

