Why White Hat SEO Is Better than Black Hat SEO

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The terms “White Hat” and “Black Hat” are often circulated when speaking about SEO practices. But do you know what they mean and what are the major differences between them? If you’re a business owner who cares about their company’s well-being, then understanding the benefits of using one technique over the other ensures your website stays perfectly optimized, and you can avoid having it blacklisted. Let’s discuss both techniques so you can make an informed and wise decision when choosing which road to go on.

What Is White Hat SEO?

The most successful companies opt for White Hat SEO techniques because they focus on quality strategies and content, and organic link building. It’s precisely the opposite of Black Hat SEO because it improves your company’s search performance while still maintaining the integrity of your brand and complying with the search engine’s terms of service.

What Are the Benefits of Doing White Hat SEO?

  1. Follows Search Engine Guidelines

Choosing White Hat SEO from an expert SEO company like us, means you are improving the search engine performance of your website without violating the search engine’s guidelines, which may turn out to be very expensive for your company.

  1. Ensures Organic Visibility

This is yet another significant advantage of choosing the White Hat way – you get steady results that grow over time. Google penalizes websites using Grey Hat or Black Hat methods that experience roller coaster rankings. With White Hat SEO, you can avoid this issue and fluctuations are very rare.

  1. Maintains Your Business’ Reputation

Since you’ve worked so hard building your business, it is only natural to want to achieve and maintain its visibility in the online medium. Using techniques that comply with the search engine’s guidelines ensures you will rank higher in organic search and get noticed by Google in a good way. With White Hat SEO, you will not suffer from penalties that will kill your online traffic.

  1. Better ROI

Using White Hat techniques means you will not lose the investment made in online marketing. The results will be slower but steadier, and the revenue you earn will not be spent trying to recover from a website penalty. Google filters and bans sites optimized using Grey Hat and Black Hat techniques. If you choose the Black Hat way, just think of all the money spent recovering from a penalty.

  1. Visitors Will Appreciate

Since SEO is not only about pleasing the search engine and ranking as high as possible, you should also think of your website’s visitors. And visitors will notice when you’ve used the wrong technique. With White Hat, however, they’ll receive quality content and beautifully formatted blog posts that convince visitors to stay on a page longer.

What Is Black Hat SEO?

If we were to describe Black Hat SEO in just one word, that word would be “unethical.” It uses Meta tag stuffing and spamming, hidden content, link farming, doorway pages, and more. It’s not that these methods aren’t effective. For a short period, they may indeed be most effective. They can help a business get on the front page of Google quickly. However, it won’t stay there for long. And that’s not what you want. You need slow, steady results, which allow you to get on the first pages of Google and remain there.

What Are the Differences Between White Hat and Black Hat SEO?

  1. Spamming Meta Tags vs. Solid Keywords

Black Hat SEO means stuffing or spamming a website’s Meta tags. This not only does absolutely nothing for your site but it will just result in a penalty. Search engines crawlers are always looking for spammed Meta tags, and you can’t avoid being red-flagged for it.

White Hat SEO, on the other hand, relies on a solid keyword phrase that most accurately represents the page. There’s no stuffing or spamming involved and will not raise any “suspicions” with the search engine.

  1. Hidden Content vs. Quality Content

A common practice with Black Hat SEO is hiding content on a website. This may include white text stuffed with keywords over a white background or using comment tags as a way to hide keywords.

White Hat SEO, on the other hand, targets a strong keyword phrase for each page of your website, a winning strategy very effective with search engine optimization.

  1. Link Farming vs. Inbound Linking

Link farming means your site is exchanging links with other sites to improve your site’s rank. But when trading a link with many websites, this will not fool the search engine into thinking your site is popular. Your website will most likely be penalized because you’re using this Black Hat method.

White Hat SEO makes use of inbound linking. When a website links to a page on your site, you get a quality inbound link. So, as opposed to the Black Hat technique, your link is not traded just for the sake of improving your rank. Creating quality content means you’re attracting site visitors in an organic, sustainable way. Ultimately, this will capture the attention of marketers who are looking to trade links with you.

  1. Doorway Pages vs. Headings

Black Hat SEO specialists create doorway pages to get traffic, then funnel the website visitors to the main site. These pages are nothing else but a way to spam search engines with certain keyword phrases. Most search engines will pick up on this technique and penalize the website.

White Hat SEO makes a better use of page elements by breaking the page down with headings. These SEO-friendly elements weigh more in search engines and can improve your rank the right way.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know more about the differences between White Hat SEO and Black Hat SEO, you should have a clear picture of what your next step should be. There’s no doubt about it – choosing White Hat techniques yields better, lengthier results, and do not affect your business reputation.

And while it may feel like White Hat methods are more expensive, in reality, they are not. This is because the money spent on reviving a website that has been penalized by Google or another search engine is far greater than what you invest with a White Hat approach.

Remember we at greenspage.com only use White Hat Tactics – Black Hat is for disposable websites, while White Hat shows you are a valuable business in the niche you’re activating in. Start boosting your site’s ranking by giving us a call today!
